This course has been carefully designed to help you better understand supply chain management. Before we begin with the main points of the course, however, we first need to complete some activities to help focus and maximize our learning experience. In Module One, we’re going to cover topics such as basic housekeeping, parking lot, workshop objectives and action plans and evaluation. So, let’s get started.
Workshop Objectives
Research has consistently demonstrated that when clear goals are associated with learning, it occurs more easily and rapidly.
By the end of the course, learners will be able to apply their knowledge of supply chain management as demonstrated by completing module activities and a course evaluation.
Identify how supply chain management relates to:
• Customer satisfaction
• Improving performance
• Lowering costs
• Product development
Define the terms:
• Procurement
• Upstream and downstream
• Raw material
• Forecasting
• Carrying cost
• Inventory
• Order generation
• Order taking
• Order fulfillment
• Returns management
Understand the levels of supply chain management and their effects
• Strategic
• Tactical
• Operational
Comprehend the flows of supply chain management and data warehouses
• Product flow
• Information flow
• Finances flow
Take a look at inventory management
Study supply chain groups
Review tracking and monitoring methods
Examine supply chain event management
Supply Chain Management
MODULE 1 - Why Supply Chain Management?
Module 1 - Intro
Preview 10 xp
MODULE 2 - Key Terms (I)
Module 2 - Intro
Module 210 xp
MODULE 3 - Key Terms (II)
Module 3 - Intro
Module 310 xp
MODULE 4 - Three Levels of Supply Chain Management
Module 4 - Intro
Module 410 xp
MODULE 5 - Five Stages of Supply Chain Management
Module 5 - Intro
Module 510 xp
MODULE 6 - The Flows of Supply Chain Management
Module 6 - Intro
Module 610 xp
MODULE 7 - Inventory Management
Module 7 - Intro
Module 710 xp
MODULE 8 - Supply Chain Groups
Module 8 - Intro
Module 810 xp
MODULE 9 - Tracking and Monitoring
Module 9 - Intro
Module 910 xp
MODULE 10 - Supply Chain Event Management
Module 10 - Intro
Module 1010 xp
Module 11